
Colors in Hex for Internet Web Sites - Coffee

Coffee Color 201 - #6F4E37

Coffee is a brewed beverage with a distinct aroma and flavor, prepared from the roasted seeds of the Coffea plant. The seeds are found in coffee "berries," which grow on trees cultivated in over 70 countries, primarily in equatorial Latin America, Southeast Asia, Maldives, and Africa. Green (unroasted) coffee is one of the most traded agricultural commodities in the world. Coffee is slightly acidic and can have a stimulating effect on humans because of its caffeine content. It is one of the most consumed drinks in the world.

Many studies have examined the health effects of coffee, and whether the overall effects of coffee consumption are positive or negative has been widely disputed. The majority of recent research suggests that moderate coffee consumption is benign or mildly beneficial in healthy adults. However, coffee can worsen the symptoms of some conditions, largely due to the caffeine and diterpenes it contains.

Shown is a cup of coffee and some coffee beans
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