Dark Jungle Green Color

Internet Colors - Set of 1035

Dark Jungle Green Color 245 - #1A2421

Displayed is the color dark jungle green, that tone of jungle green called jungle green in color sample #152 on the ISCC-NBS color list. The source of this color is the following website, the ISCC-NBS Dictionary of Color Names (1955) (a site for stamp collectors to identify the colors of their stamps)--Color Sample of [Dark] Jungle Green (color sample #152).

The colors jungle green or tropical rain forest are often used by cartographers to represent the tropical rain forest on a natural vegetation map. The colors jungle green and tropical rain forest are used by environmental activists who conduct save the rain forest campaigns on their posters to publicize their work. In the British and Commonwealth armies of World War II, Jungle Green was the name given to the uniforms worn by forces in the Far East, made from the breathable Aertex fabric. In the United States Army, jungle green is the color used for the uniforms and berets of the United States Army Special Forces. (The shade of jungle green used in the uniforms and berets of the U.S. Army Green Berets is closely equivalent to the color shown above as deep jungle green.)

Shown is a path in a Green Jungle
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