Deep Magents Color

Internet Colors - Set of 1035

Deep Magents Color 295 - #CC00CC

Magenta is a purplish-red, purplish-crimson, or purplish-pink color. It is a primary color in color printing which, combined with cyan, yellow and black in various combinations, can be used to create all other colors. The name comes from the dye magenta, originally called fuchsine, discovered in 1859, and renamed after the 1859 Battle of Magenta near Magenta, Italy. where the French army defeated the Austrians and helped secure the unification of Italy.

On a traditional color circle, magenta is located mid-way between purple and red. In the RGB color system, used to create all the colors on a television or computer display, magenta is a secondary color, made by combining equal amounts of red and blue light at a high intensity. In this system, magenta is the complementary color of green, and combining green and magenta light on a black screen will create white.

Shown is some fuchsia blossoms
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