
Internet Colors - Set of 1035

Flame Color 357 - #E25822

Color and temperature of a flame are dependent on the type of fuel involved in the combustion, as, for example, when a lighter is held to a candle. The applied heat causes the fuel molecules in the candle wax to vaporize. In this state they can then readily react with oxygen in the air, which gives off enough heat in the subsequent exothermic reaction to vaporize yet more fuel, thus sustaining a consistent flame. The high temperature of the flame causes the vaporized fuel molecules to decompose, forming various incomplete combustion products and free radicals, and these products then react with each other and with the oxidizer involved in the reaction.

A flame (from Latin flamma) is the visible, gaseous part of a fire. It is caused by a highly exothermic reaction taking place in a thin zone. Some flames, such as the flame of a burning candle, are hot enough to have ionized gaseous components and can be considered plasma.

Shown is some flame
⇦ Back to Color 356 Fire Engine Red    Back to Color Group - 36    On to Color 358 Flamingo Pink ⇨