Granny Smith Apple

Internet Colors - Set of 1035

Granny Smith Apple Color 403 - #A8E4A0

The Granny Smith green apple is a tip-bearing apple cultivar, which originated in Australia in 1868. It is named after Maria Ann Smith, who propagated the cultivar from a chance seedling. The tree is thought to be a hybrid of Malus sylvestris, the European Wild Apple, with the domestic apple M. domestica as the pollenizer. The fruit has hard, light green skin and a crisp, juicy flesh.

Granny Smiths go from being yellow to turning completely green. The acidity mellows significantly, and it then takes on a balanced flavour. Granny Smith apples are light green in color. They are commonly used in pie baking, can be eaten raw, and at least one company makes Granny Smith varietal cider.

This cultivar needs fewer winter chill hours and a longer growing season to mature the fruit, so it is favored for the milder areas of the apple growing regions. It is moderately susceptible to fire blight and is highly prone to scab, powdery mildew, and cedar apple rust.

Shown is a granny green apple whole and cut
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