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Internet Colors - Set of 1035 Lavender Indigo Color 491 - #9457EB Lavender indigo is a shade of lavender that is similar to the color blue-violet, a shade of indigo. Originally, the name lavender only applied to flowers. By 1930, the book A Dictionary of Color[5] identified three major shades of lavender - [floral] lavender, lavender gray, and lavender blue, and in addition a fourth shade of lavender called old lavender (a dark lavender gray) (all four of these shades of lavender are shown below). By 1955, the publication of the ISCC-NBS Dictionary of Color Names (a color dictionary used by stamp collectors to identify the colors of stamps), now on the Internet,[6] listed dozens of different shades of lavender. Today, although the color floral lavender (the color of the flower of the lavender plant) remains the standard for lavender, just as there are many shades of pink (light red, light rose, and light magenta colors), there are many shades of lavender (some light magenta, some light purple, [mostly] light violet [as well as some grayish violet], and some light indigo colors). |
Shown is the color of Lavender Indigo | |
⇦ Back to Color 490 Lavender Gray Back to Color Group - 50 On to Color 492 Lavender Magenta ⇨ |