Lemon Chiffon

Colors in Hex for Internet Web Sites - Lemon Chiffon

Lemon Chiffon Color 499 - #FFFACD

t was first introduced as a named color in the X Window System when the X11 colors were adopted in 1987; the origins of the names are obscure. These were adopted for the Netscape Navigator web browser for colors in its extended palette, and in turn recognized by Mosaic and Internet Explorer. No specification, however, recognizes it as an official HTML color name

In the United States, March 29 is National Lemon Chiffon Cake Day.

We love the elegant simplicity of lemon chiffon pie but found the gelatin used in most recipes difficult to work with. We use a combination of cornstarch and gelatin to get a creamy pie and add a burst of lemon flavor by tucking a layer of lemon curd beneath the chiffon. Our graham cracker crust adds just a hint of flavor and is a crisp contrast to the soft and fluffy filling. This is such a light, refreshing version of cheesecake ... so fluffy! It truly lives up to the "chiffon" part of its name. And, no baking is required! It is fabulous with blueberry pie filling on top, but can be left plain!

Shown is a lemon chiffon cake with some servings removed
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