Magenta (dye) Color

Internet Colors - Set of 1035

Magenta (dye) Color 551 - #CA1F7B

Magenta is a purplish-red, purplish-crimson, or purplish-pink color. It is a primary color in color printing which, combined with cyan, yellow and black in various combinations, can be used to create all other colors. The name comes from the dye magenta, originally called fuchsine, discovered in 1859, and renamed after the 1859 Battle of Magenta near Magenta, Italy. where the French army defeated the Austrians and helped secure the unification of Italy.

In optics, fuchsia and magenta are essentially the same color. The web colors fuchsia and magenta are identical, and are made by mixing exactly the same proportions of blue and red light. In design and printing, there is a little more variation. The French version of fuchsia in the RGB color model and in printing contains a higher proportion of red than the American version of fuchsia. Fuchsia flowers themselves, which inspired both colors, have a variety of colors, from fuchsia to purple to red and pink.

Shown is the flower of Fuchsia plant was the original inspiration for the dye which was later renamed magenta dye.
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