Ochre Color

Internet Colors - Set of 1035

Ochre Color 636 - #CC7722

Ochre from Greek: o-khrós, (pale yellow, pale), also spelled ocher) is a natural earth pigment containing hydrated iron oxide, which ranges in color from yellow to deep orange or brown. It is also the name of the colors produced by this pigment, especially a light brownish-yellow. A variant of ochre containing a large amount of hematite, or dehydrated iron oxide, has a reddish tint known as "red ochre."

Ochre is a family of earth pigments, which includes yellow ochre, red ochre, purple ochre, sienna, and umber. The major ingredient of all the ochres is iron (III) oxide, known as limonite, which gives them a yellow color.

Shown is Limonite, a mineral containing iron oxide, is the main ingredient of all the ochre pigments
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