Pastel Green Color

Internet Colors - Set of 1035

Pastel Green Color 699 - #77DD77

Green is the color of emeralds, jade, and growing grass. In the continuum of colors of visible light, it is located between yellow and blue. Green is the color most commonly associated with nature and the environmental movement, Ireland, Islam, spring, hope and envy.

The word green comes from the Middle English and Old English word grene, which, like the German word grün, has the same root as the words grass and grow. It is from a Common Germanic *gronja-, which is also reflected in Old Norse grænn, Old High German gruoni (but unattested in East Germanic), ultimately from a PIE root *ghre- "to grow", and root-cognate with grass and to grow. The first recorded use of the word as a color term in Old English dates to ca. AD 700.

Shown is the color of Pastel Green
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