Persian Blue Color

Internet Colors - Set of 1035

Persian Blue Color 720 - #1C39BB

Persian blue (not to be confused with Prussian blue) comes in three major tones: Persian blue proper - a bright medium blue; medium Persian blue (a medium slightly grayish blue that is slightly indigo-ish); and a kind of dark blue that is much closer to the web color indigo; this darker shade of Persian blue is referred to as Persian indigo, dark Persian blue, or regimental. Other colors associated with Persia include Persian pink, Persian rose, Persian red and Persian green.

The color Persian blue is named from the blue color of some Persian pottery and the color of tiles used in and on mosques and palaces in Iran and in other places in the Middle East. Persian blue is a representation of the color of the mineral lapis lazuli which comes from Persia and Afghanistan. (The color azure is also named after the mineral lapis lazuli.) The first recorded use of Persian blue as a color name in English was in 1669.

This Persian-influenced dome in Delhi, India has Persian-blue colored tiles on its outer surface.
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