Portland Orange

Internet Colors - Set of 1035

Portland Orange Color 748 - #FF5A36

Portland Orange is the color of light emitted by the dont walk phase of pedestrian crossing signals in the U.S. and Canada. Its chromaticity is specified by the Institute of Transportation Engineers in that body's technical standards, and its application is stipulated in the U.S. Federal Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Various jurisdictional standards also require Portland Orange for don't-walk signs Portland Orange is generally not used outside North America.

Reports suggest that many walk buttons in some areas such as New York City are actually placebo buttons designed to give pedestrians an illusion of control while the crossing signal continues its operation as programmed. However, in New York City, many such push buttons are now rendered useless due to the automatic programming of the crosswalk (some push buttons do work, but only at certain times of day or certain periods of the year).

Shown is a Pedestrian crossing signal in Portland, Oregon.
The dont walk legend is displayed in Portland Orange.
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