Puce Color

Internet Colors - Set of 1035

Puce Color 754 - #CC8899

Puce (often misspelled as "puse," "peuse" or "peuce") is defined in the United States as a brownish-purple color. In the UK, puce is defined as a purple brown or a dark red. In France, where it was invented, puce is described as a rather dark reddish brown.

The color on the map shown is close to the common American version. Puce is the French word for flea. The color is said to be the color of the bloodstains remaining on linen or bedsheets, even after being laundered, from a flea's droppings or after a flea has been killed. The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) dates the first English use of "puce" as a color to 1787.

Shown is a map using the color of Puce
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