Spring Green Color

Internet Colors - Set of 1035

Spring Green Color 902 - #00FF7F

Spring green is a color included on the color wheel that is precisely halfway between cyan and green. When plotted on the CIE chromaticity diagram it corresponds to a visual stimulus of 505 nanometers on the visible spectrum. Spring green is a pure chroma on the color wheel. In HSV color space, the expression of which is known as the RGB color wheel, spring green has a hue of 150°. Spring green is one of the tertiary colors on the RGB color wheel. The complementary color of spring green is rose.

Spring green is a web color. The first recorded use of spring green as a color name in English was in 1766. In the Crayola markers, spring green is known as sea foam green. Crayola has a colored pencil called guppie green that is the same color as spring green

Shown is a field of Green in the Spring
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