
Internet Colors - Set of 1035

Tangelo Color 917 - #F94D00

The tangelo, Citrus tangelo, is a citrus fruit hybrid of tangerine and pomelo or grapefruit. Sometimes referred to as honeybells, tangelos are the size of an adult fist, have a tangerine taste, and are juicy at the expense of flesh. They generally have loose skin and are easier to peel than oranges, readily distinguished from them by a characteristic "nipple" at the stem.

The early maturing Orlando tangelo is noted for its juiciness, mild and sweet flavor, large size, and flat-round shape with a characteristic knob. California/Arizona tangelos have a slightly pebbled texture, good interior and exterior color, very few seeds, and a tight-fitting rind. Orlando tangelos are available from mid-November to the beginning of February. It originated as a cross between a Duncan grapefruit and a Dancy tangerine.

Shown is a whole tangelo and one cut open
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