
Internet Colors - Set of 1035

Úbe Color 963 - #8878C3

Dioscorea alata, known as purple yam and many other names, is a species of yam, a tuberous root vegetable, that is bright lavender in color. It is sometimes confused with taro and the Okinawa sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas cv. Ayamurasaki). With its origins in the Asian tropics, D. alata has been known to humans since ancient times.

Because it has become naturalized throughout tropical South America, Africa, Australia, the US southeast, D. alata has many different common names from these regions.

In other cultures and languages it is known variously as uhi in Hawaii, ύbe in the Philippines, ratalu or violet yam in India, rasa valli kilangu in Tamil, in Vietnam and for the Igbo people of Southern Nigeria, yam is called Ji, and purple yam is known as Ji abana.

Shown is Dioscorea alata tuber, the edible part of the plant
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