Viridian Color

Internet Colors - Set of 1035

Viridian Color 998 - #40826D

Viridian is a blue-green pigment, a hydrated chromium (III) oxide, of medium saturation and relatively dark in value. It is composed more of green than blue. Specifically, it is a dark shade of spring green, the color between green and cyan on the color wheel, or, in paint, a tertiary blue-green color. Viridian takes its name from the Latin viridis, meaning "green." The first recorded use of viridian as a color name in English was in the 1860s (exact year uncertain). Chromium(III) oxide occurs naturally in mineral eskolaite, which is found in chromium-rich tremolite skarns, metaquartzites, and chlorite veins. Eskolaite is also a rare component of chondrite meteorites. The mineral is named after Finnish geologist Pentti Eskola.

Shown is Chromium(III) oxide
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