Wenge Color

Internet Colors - Set of 1035

Wenge Color 1009 - #645452

Millettia laurentii is a legume tree native to the Republic of Congo, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Cameroon, Gabon and Equatorial Guinea. The species is listed as endangered in the IUCN Red List: Category EN A1cd, principally due to destruction of its habitat and over-exploitation for timber. Wenge, a dark colored wood, is the product of Millettia laurentii. Other names sometimes used for wenge include African Rosewood, Congolese Rosewood, Faux Ebony, Dikela, Mibotu, Bokonge and Awong. The wood's distinctive color is standardized as a "wenge" color in many systems.

Wenge (WENG-gay) is a tropical timber, very dark in color with a distinctive figure and a strong partridge wood pattern. The wood is heavy and hard, suitable for flooring and staircases.

Shown is tangentially-sawn wood, the color of Wenge
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