Bazaar Color

Colors with Undefined Names

3. Bazaar Color 53 - #98777B

The color bazaar is a medium grayish tone of rose. The color name bazaar has been in use since 2001 when the Color List was first promulgated. A bazaar (from Persian meaning "market") is a permanent enclosed merchandising area, marketplace, or street of shops where goods and services are exchanged or sold.

In North America and the United Kingdom, the term can be used as a synonym for a "rummage sale," to describe charity fundraising events held by churches or other community organizations in which either donated used goods (such as books, clothes, and household items) or new and handcrafted (or home-baked) goods are sold for low prices, as at a church or other organization's Christmas bazaar, for example.

Shown is the Grand Bazaar, Istanbul
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