Feldgrau Color

Colors with Undefined Names

23. Feldgrau Color 350 - #4D5D53

Feldgrau (field grey) was the color of the field uniform of the German Army from late 1907 until 1945, and of some post-war uniforms of the West German Bundeswehr and the East German NVA armies. Metaphorically, Feldgrau used to refer to the armies of Germany (the Imperial German Army and the Heer [army] component of the Reichswehr and the Wehrmacht). The word feldgrau means "field grey", and by World War I the color was a light grey-green, though there is no specific color, rather a color range of greys to browns, that was one of the first standardized uniforms suitable to the age of smokeless gunpowder. Formerly, the Germans wore a Prussian blue shade similar to that of the French.

Sweden used a very similar color for infantry uniforms, for example the grey m/1923 and later on grey-green as the German ones. The last uniform to use the color was the woolen m/58 winter uniform. The Chilean Army also wears a full dress uniform in Feldgrau.

Shown is the color of Feldgrau
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