
Colors with Undefined Names

40. Inchworm Color 442 - #B2EC5D

The geometer moths or Geometridae (from Greek 'the earth' and metron 'measure') - refers to the larvae, or inchworms, which appear to "measure the earth" as they move in a looping fashion) are a family of the order Lepidoptera. The name "Geometridae" ultimately derives from Latin geometra "geometer, earth-measurer").

This refers to the means of locomotion of the larvae or caterpillars, which lack the prolegs of other Lepidopteran caterpillars in the middle portion of the body, with only two or three pairs at each end. Equipped with appendages at both ends of the body, a caterpillar will clasp with its front legs and draw up the hind end, then clasp with the hind end (prolegs) and reach out for a new front attachment - creating the impression that it is measuring its journey. The caterpillars are accordingly called loopers, spanworms, or inchworms after their characteristic looping gait.

Shown is a inchworm on a person's finger
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