Veronica Color

Colors with Undefined Names

96. Veronica Color 991 - #A020F0

Purple is a range of hues of color occurring between red and blue. The Oxford English Dictionary describes it as a deep, rich shade between crimson and violet. In the ancient world, purple was the color worn by Roman Emperors and magistrates, and later by Roman Catholic bishops. Since that time, purple has been commonly associated with royalty and piety. The word 'purple' comes from the Old English word purpul which derives from the Latin purpura, in turn from the Greek (porphura), name of the Tyrian purple dye manufactured in classical antiquity from a mucus secreted by the spiny dye-murex snail. The first recorded use of the word 'purple' in English was in the year 975 AD.

Shown is two shells of the spiny dye-murex
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