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581st Radio Relay Company Going to Japan
6. USS Randall Troopship on the Way to Japan The voyage took a long time -- 11 days. The troop ship was unbelievably packed. In the lower decks bunks were 7 high back to back. Many were seasick and vomit was everywhere. MPs chased you back below if you tried to sleep on deck. There were perhaps 5,000 troops on board. You ate standing up so you would not linger. Movies were shown on deck at night. Everyone laughed at the war movies shown. Many of us were nervous at what we might face in Korea. It was much of an unknown. Most had never even heard of Korea. Some tried to go up on deck to sleep but the MPs chased you back below decks. Hi-Res Pic (96K)⇦ Back to Page 5 Return to Page 1 On to Page 7 ⇨ |