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581st Signal RR Co. on Hill 1157 in Korea, 1951
(Future Beason Site) 4. Downed US Army Helicopter There was a downed helicopter on our hill. We used the door from the chopper for our first radio shack hut. The chopper was close to the spring. You can see it was lying on its side. It was there as long as I was on the hill. Our team had perhaps 20 different relay stations at various locations in both North Korea and South Korea. One location we climbed a good size mountain and when there was enough equipment I started to get the station on the air. I began to broadcast CQ, CQ, and someone came almost immediately back to me. They then informed me to tear down and go to another hill. I got the other radioman to start down the hill to tell everyone, and there were dozens of them, who was coming up the hill with loads to go back down and to send up empty men to carry down what was already up on top. At many stations we would have an infantry outfit to help guard us. At that hill we had Thailand soldiers. I could not make them understand we were leaving. They had just dug foxholes and a machine gun emplacement. It wasn't until everything was gone and I left and waved goodbye they understood. Hi-Res Pic (120K) ⇦ Back to Scene 3 Return to Page 1 On to Scene 5 ⇨ |