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Richmond Relay - 1969-70
24. On Duty in Control Room
Other projects while on Richmond Site included filling sand bags, upgrading
bunkers and defensive positions or improvements to our barracks like building
partitions to wall in individual rooms. One big project to construct a sand bag
wall along the length of the Radio Operations building involved so many sand
bags we made a trip to the Kum River to get enough sand. We filled the back of
a duce and a half truck with sand bags and drunken soldiers and returned to the
site after a day on the river bars.
Besides having many racks of radios we always had many dogs on Richmond Site. I can not remember many of their names but I do recall "Spaghetti," "Meatballs" and "Binjo." Like all the other site dogs they were just mutts but we really liked and enjoyed our four legged companions. I believe they knew that Koreans ate dogs so they were very good watch dogs for us. No one got on site without a whole pack of hounds running to their location while barking and ready to bite unless told to stop. Most of the time they obeyed our commands but sometime one would get a bite in and we would have to make up for it with some gift and apology. ⇦ Back to Page 23 Return to Page 3 On to Page 25 ⇨ |