9 - Three of a kind? Joseph E. Sioui - 1957 Korea

9. Three of a Kind? Three of a kind? Could be as we were all in the same boat with different duties. We are all Privates at the time of this photo: L. R. Bradley, Edwards and me (Sioui). Bradley was a radio operator, Edwards worked in the motor pool, and I was the power man.

I have a short story to share. We had arrived in Inchon harbor after a twenty-four hour layover in Yokohama Japan as we step shore we are greeted by the troops who are rotating back home they are so happy, good for them they have earned it but we still envy them as they leave this place.

We are to spend the night in this metal shed that has make shift bunks with straw filled sacks that were to be used as a mattress, it was very cold and we didn't have sleeping bags or blankets so we used the mattress sacks to cover up with, it turned out to be a very cold night in January.

The next morning we were taken to Seoul to board a train to Pusan, never saw so many tunnels in my life, we finally make it to Pusan and we taken to The 8th Army Long Lines Signal Battalion, not sure of the Co. We are fed and told to get some rest as we will be assigned to our units the next day, all is fine until around 1:00 AM we hear gunfire, as it turns out one men from our group tried to sneak back into the compound by climbing the perimeter fence, he was struck in the arm and we all learned a hard lesson this was serious business. About four hours later we are awaken by the PA system playing "Rock around the clock" by Bill Haley and his comets. After breakfast chow we are loaded on a train again and proceed back north to Seoul where we had just come from, those of us who served can certainly know how the army operated, hurry up and wait.

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