Heroes of the Chosin Reservoir Breakout

Newsweek Article "American at War" Rebuttal

The President of the New York/Long Island Chapter of the Chosin Few Gives Newsweek a History Lesson

Newsweek is generally considered the most liberal of the three major newsweeklies, an assertion supported in a recent UCLA study on media point of view.

In your article entitles, "Americans at War," you devoted five pages to WWI, thirteen pages to WWII, seven pages to Vietnam, two pages to the war with Iraq, and SIX PARAGRAPHS to the Korean War. That was the INSULT -- Your open quote on Page 30 was the injury, "...from the doughboys of World War One to the great men of World War Two to the grunts of Vietnam..." Apparently you didn't consider the Korean War important enough to include in your opening statement.

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