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Epic of Fox Hill -- Page 3
By PFC Donald L. Childs, 1st Squad, 2nd Platoon, F/2/7 US Marines
The Fight Begins
Long after dark the enemy came marching up the road to the pass. Traveling from
the north they approached the pass and rounding the bend in the road came into
the field of fire of the heavy 30's. The fight was on. After initial contact
the heavy 30's did an excellent job but the battle spread as the enemy deployed
and began the attack on the Hill. Over 30 members of the company were killed or
wounded in that first engagement and enemy losses were near 200.
During this first night some positions on the west side had to be moved to a natural ridge of very large boulders which extended from the road to a point part way up the steep slope of the hill. This provided an excellent field of fire and the men could cover a wider area. This shift also allowed a cross fire with the heavy 30's and provided cover as the CP was moved to a position near the top of the hill for better control. By daylight the enemy had broken off the attack and withdrawn. Fox Company reorganized its positions by pulling up the lines further up the hill which provided even more effective fields of fire and closed the ranks to make up for the loss of men. It should be pointed out that on the following nights, the wounded, even those who could crawl, did so back to the line to help. ⇦ Back to Page 2 Return to Story Choices On to Page 4 ⇨ |
Capt. William Barber - Medal of Honor |