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Stories from the Chosin Reservoir, 1950
He Ain't Heavy -- by Clifford W. Meyer -- Page 1
As I think back now, the only thought that comes to mind is -- he wasn't heavy.
The passing years make it hard to recall all the names of the men I was with.
The dates I didn't know then, so I wouldn't know them now.
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The walk from Yudam-ni to Hagaru-ri and on to Koto-ri was mostly a matter of survival, just trying to keep from freezing or starving. We had no rations, though I did have a frozen glump of bread -- which I gnawed on from time to time. Leaving Koto-ri, I believe I was with Pfc. B. G. Coleman, Walt Cheedie and McMullan or Harold Haney. As we moved down the MRS at night, something caught our attention off the side of the road. We went over to check and found a wounded Marine. He had been treated by a corpsman who had tagged him and moved on. We stopped several vehicles to get him transported out of there but none had room. Finally we got a stretcher off a jeep, put him on it and started carrying him down the center of the road. Then we came to a tank sitting on the road. |