Troopship to Japan

Carl Hughes and the 581st Signal Radio Relay Company - Page 3

On the Train

We left Gordon on a troop train. For a nineteen year old wet-behind-the ears, it was exciting. The post band played for us as the train left for California. Another memorable event was the train stopping late at night in Lima, Ohio and the Methodist Church ladies serving coffee at the train stop. I always wanted to go back and thank them, but it's too late now. Another revelation for me was how big America is. Imagine traveling all day in Texas going to sleep and waking up the next day and you were still in Texas! The immensity of the salt flats in Utah, was impressive and there stops in the middle of nowhere for water because this was a steam powered locomotive. Maybe you would see a sod house in the middle of no where and wonder who used it.

Troopship to Japan