Ration Menu for Small Detatchments - 5 in 1

Korean War Items

2. Ration, Small Detachment -- 5-In-1A

Menu No. 5 and Menu No. 2

For our 5-man Radio teams these were most delightful to get and eat. I generally became the cook, a job I enjoyed. I saved a couple of these to share with you. While not exactly gourmet food they did beat eating C-Rations which we had much of the time. In the invasion at Wonson, North Korea, I liberated 3 cartons of the Menu No. 5 from the 1st Marine Division supplies. It amounted to about 24 meals for 5 men. I also liberated about 192 one-pound cans of Danish Bacon. That bacon would last us for about a year. I added it to all of the rice dishes I made.

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