Rose-breasted Grosbeak Birds Likely to be Observed in Oregon

Location in Oregon
Blue is Winter range - Red is Summer range
Purple is Year-round range - Yellow is Migration range

Rose-breasted Grosbeak range

Rose-breasted Grosbeak

Cocothraustes vespertinus - Locally abundant on conifers. Irregular in southern part of its winter range. Partial to sunflower seeds at feeding stations. Male is told by its large size, huge beak, yellow body, and large white ring patches. Female has yellow on nape and sides. Bill varies from chalky white in winter to pale green in spring. Usually flies in loose flocks; note the undulating flight and the short tail. The most frequent call is a loud House Sparrow-like chirp. Most Oregon records are of adult males. Every year a few show up at feeders in widely scattered parts of the state mostly from May and early June.

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