Cassowary Casuariiformes

Families 2:
  1. Cassowaries
    • 3 Species
  2. Cassowaries
    • 3 Species

7. Casuariiformes (Cassowary, Emu)


Taxonomists group several orders of large flightless birds under the term ratite. The bird order Casuariiformes has four surviving members: the three species of cassowary, and the only remaining species of emu. The emus are classified in the family, Dromaiidae, while the cassowaries are all located within the Casuariidae family.

All four members of the order are very large flightless birds native to Australia-New Guinea. The characteristics of the family are those of its members. The number of cassowary species described based on minor differences in casque shape and color variations is quite large. In recent times, however, only 3 species are recognized, and most authorities only acknowledge few subspecies or none at all.

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