Kagu (Rhynochetos jubatus) Eurypygiformes

Families 1:
  1. Sunbittern
    • 2 Species
  2. Kagu
    • 1 Species

20. Eurypygiformes (Sunbittern, Kagu)

The sunbittern (Eurypyga helias) is a bittern-like bird of tropical regions of the Americas, and the sole member of the family Eurypygidae (sometimes spelled Eurypigidae) and genus Eurypyga. It ranges from Guatemala to southern Peru, showing three extant subspecies. The sunbittern shows both morphological and molecular similarities with the Kagu (Rhynochetos jubatus) of New Caledonia, indicating an gondwanic origin, being both placed in the clade Eurypygiformes.

The sunbittern's range extends from Guatemala to Brazil, in the humid Neotropical forests, generally with and open understorey and near rivers and streams. The sunbittern is a non-migrant bird that is normally found foraging on the ground and scratching for insects.

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Kagu (Rhynochetos jubatus)