Process Times for Water Bath or Steam Canning - Page 2
  You CANNOT SAFELY process green beans with either Water Bath or Steam Canner -- You MUST use a Pressure Canner.
For Higher altitudes increase processing times as follows:
1000 to 3000 feet add 5 minutes. 3000 to 6000 feet add 10 minutes 6000 to 8000 feet add 15 minutes 8000 to 10000 feet add 20 minutes
Not all agree on processing times. Some states recommend different times. You use the time you are comfortable with. Not all agree about steam canners. We always use a steam canner. It saves water, water heating time and sore backs lifting heavy water bath pots. With a water bath you must not put the cool jars in boiling water so it needs to be emptied each time. Heating the water takes time and heats up a hot kitchen that is already too hot.
Steam Pressure Canner Steam Pressure Canner Water Bath Canner Water Bath Canner Steam Canner Steam Canner