Making Piecrust from Scratch Pastry for a Two-Crust Pie
For 9" Pie
Mix together 2 Cups Sifted Flour -- 1 teaspoon Salt
Cut in 2/3 Cup Vegetable Shortening
Sprinkle with 4 Tablespoons cold Water
If using hydrogenated shortening, add about 2 Tablespoons more water.
  1. Measure the flour into mixing bowl and mix salt through it.
  2. Using pastry blender cut in half the shortening finely until mixture looks like meal. This makes for tenderness.
  3. Cut in remaining shortening coarsely until particles are the size of giant peas. This makes for flakiness.
  4. Sprinkle with water, a tablespoon at a time mixing lightly with a fork until all flour is moistened. I use a large spoon to mix.
  5. Flour your hand and gather into a ball and clean the bowl.
  6. Put ball back in bowl and follow how we roll it out.
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Click Picture for List of Items needed to Make Pie Crust