Grampa's Farm - 15 James Alonzo Noll - Gig Harbor Farm
15. Grampa's Farm

This photo shows the farm house during the years we spent the summer there. Grandfather always treated our family well. He sent us a radio one year for Christmas the first we'd had but was cautioned not to let the rest of his family he had done so. Every year he sent by mail a fresh Christmas tree he had cut on his farm. He also often sent honey and duck eggs. Grandpa spent a lot of time teaching us about honesty, manners, safety, hard work and proper respect. He had a battery operated radio and each week we would listen to his favorite radio show "Major Bowes Radio Hour." In those days with vacuum tubes batteries did not last long.

Grampa grew much of what we ate on the farm, corn, potatoes, eggs, chicken. We would also gather greens in the wild for food. The town of Gig Harbor was quite small in those days. I remember just a frozen food locker where Grampa kept frozen foods and a small store with gas pumps. We rarely went into town. The farm was some miles from the town. My grandfather had two vehicles, a 1939 Plymouth sedan and a 1924 Reo truck. The truck had no electric starter and had solid rubber tires. To start it you had to crank it by hand, a process that took some time and effort. It was used when we needed to gather firewood. Grandpa would saw by hand fallen timbers and load it on the truck as we boys played nearby. We boys would also gather small pieces of wood to put on the truck.

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