If something can go wrong it will.
If someone can possibly misunderstand you they will.
There is never enough time to do something right but plenty of time to correct
it when it gets screwed up.
We have no time for fire prevention but everybody can stop work to fight a
major fire.
ASAP (as soon as possible) is an open invitation to delay anything for as long
as you can.
Anything bad that can happen will happen at your most inopportune time to the
most important customer at their most critical time to their most crucial
Anything that your company cannot do will be done well by your competitor who
wants your customer.
A satisfied customer will tell 10 associates about you. A dissatisfied
customer will tell 20 people about you. It isn't fair but it is true.
A company that can keep its customers will greatly prosper over those who lose
customers. Customers who are satisfied and stay with you will quadruple your
business over a short span of years.
It will take 10 new customers to replace a long time old customer in business
Murphy was an optimist.