Converted to Restaurant in Coventry, UK - Aircraft 45 Strange and Unusual Aircraft - 45
Converted to Restaurant in Coventry, UK

We all know the reputation airplane meals have: meager portions, strange packaging, and unidentifiable mush - a little bit like your elementary school cafeteria, but at cruising altitude. The meals served aboard this particular aircraft are a different story. In this case, the plane doesn't actually leave the ground and you don't have to wear your seatbelt while eating. At the Coventry Airbase in central UK, a Douglas DC-6 aircraft has been transformed into a 40-seat fine-dining restaurant called the "DC-6 Diner."

The 40 tables and chairs that line the cabin reflect the classic look of the plane's simple, but elegant interior. Most of the plane has been left intact, giving diners a blast to the past via first-class. The original cockpit is open for diners to wander in and check out while waiting for their meals.

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