Old Familiar Memories - Photo 171
Fly Paper Strips
Having flies in the warmer months is a constant battle. No matter what kind of
fly you have - be it fruit flies, house flies, or any of the other 16,000 kinds
they make their surroundings seem unclean and
unpleasant. They can also carry whatever pathogens they pick up on those hairy
legs after a nice traipse through the trash or a hike on pile of dog doo-doo.
It's really very simple to make your own sticky fly paper. Cut some strips of
strong brown paper, like from an old paper grocery bag, about 6-10 inches long.
The length is really up to you. At the top of each strip punch a hole and
thread a piece of string through it, tying it off to form a hanging loop. In a
saucepan, mix 1 part water, 1 part honey, and one part sugar, and heat until it
is well combined. Let the mixture cool a little and then dip each paper strip
into the syrup, coating each side well. Suspend the strips over a baking tray
and leave to drip. When they're dry, your sticky fly papers can be hung
anywhere you need them. Be warned-these do catch flies, and they will fill up.