Wooden Cigar Boxes - Photo 179

Old Familiar Memories - Photo 179

Wooden Cigar Boxes

Each of us boys had a wooden cigar box to store our precious personal things. You could get them for free if you asked nice from some of the smoking shops in the 1930s.

Ad from a seller of old cigar boxes. Perfect for personal storage, desktop display for in and out boxes, jewelry and storing keepsakes, our stock of wooden cigar boxes can enliven any decor. While we try our best to deliver the best quality cigar boxes we can - please be aware that since these are USED items - you can't expect perfection from them. We will never sell badly damaged or otherwise low quality boxes, but you should expect that each box WILL have some quality flaws - we prefer to consider this wear and tear an addition that adds character - and should be expected from any used item.

Wooden Cigar Boxes
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