Life Breaks Through Barriers - Scene 2

The Will to Survive - Scene 2

Life Breaks Through Barriers

Let's conjecture on what happened here. I suggest before the asphalt was placed here seeds lay in the ground below. The seeds found some source of water and nutrients and began to grow. Eventually this resulting mass found it path blocked. Forces began to exert its power and burst through the asphalt barrier. The asphalt seems to be new and not yet hardened and so it couldn't stop the force exerted on it.

Just as in life, things pose barriers to people. Ambition, desire, things we wanted to do always meet barriers. Many give up. Some stop trying. Pride, prejudice, negative thoughts can often constitute seemingly impossible barriers. Going back to school. learning to play the piano, recede as imaginary barriers hold us back. Resolve to keep your spirits up and move forward. Strive to succeed, stiffen your resolve and win the prize.

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