The Case for

The Will to Survive - Scene 5

The Case for "Keep Trying"

The tree in the left top corner kept within its bounds. It just had a small space and kept itself within that space. The other big tree featured here kept on growing far exceeding its assigned space. Now its little hole wasn't enough. So it sent multiple roots here and there looking for cracks to seek out soil and water. It had greater ambitions. I'm sure the sidewalk people got distressed at its "unruly" behavior.

My good friend Joe told me of a rookie fireman who hit the books when others played cards. Eventually he became the Fire Chief. Was he the tree that didn't stay within the "normal" bounds (doing what all others did). The rookie paid the price gladly. I remember being called the "nerd" in high school because I did my homework and studied. I liked to learn things and still do in my 80s.

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