Water well in Mchiwa village Inspirational Quotations 16

Water well in Mchiwa village, Africa

It all started in the spring of 1996 when the Christian Service Committee bored our first water well in Mchiwa village in the Phalombe district. The team was on site while the bore hole was being completed. Needless to say there was great rejoicing in the area over a steady source of clean, pure drinking water. Since then, funding has come from large and small donors. The success of this effort has provided The Breakwater to form the Water Wells For Africa project. Results from this project in 2006 have provided the visibility for The Breakwater to understand that a goal of 1000 completed wells in Africa is possible.

Dig the well before you are thirsty.

African Proverb

The wife of noble character ... gets up while it is still dark; she provides food for her family and portions for her servant girls.
Proverbs 31:10 and 15

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