Paul Noll's 2009 Toyota Prius Consumption Display of our 2009 Toyota Prius - 16 The consumption display now shows us 2 miles later. The MPG is 100 because we are on a downhill part of the highway. In the last 5 minutes we averaged about 30 MPG and the little green car on the 0 to 5 mileage shows we have charged the battery with 50 Wh. The average MPG has increased to 45.7 from 45.6 MPG. Because the car had been parked in our garage (heated) the temperature has lowered 2 degrees from the las screen from 63 to 61. ⇦ Back to Page 15 On to Page 17 ⇨Hi Res Pic (96K) Back to Page 2 Thumbs |