Blackish Red Russula Mushroom

Wildflowers Found in Oregon

Blackish Red Russula Mushroom

Russula krombolzii Cap 2 3/8- 4 3/4 wide, convex to nearly flat or with sunken center, becoming somewhat vase-shaped, margin wavy at times; sticky and shiny when wet, becoming dry, smooth or velvety, sometimes wrinkled toward center, paler toward margin. Flesh brittle. Taste slightly acrid or not distinctive. Gills: attached, close to almost distant, moderately broad, yellowish-white to pale orange-yellow. Stalk: 2-4 in. long, 5/8 - 1 13/4 in. thick. Season: May - October. Habitat: Single to several, on the ground in deciduous and mixed woods.

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