Hedgehog Mushroom Wildflowers Found in Oregon
Hedgehog Mushroom

Hydnum repandum Cap: 2-17 cm wide; broadly convex, becoming flat with a central depression; the margin inrolled at first, eventually wavy and reminiscent of Cantharellus cibarius; dry; fairly smooth; dull orange-tan or paler. Undersurface: Running down the stem; covered with spines or "teeth" that are 2-7 mm long; pale or dull orange; bruising dark orange or yellowish brown. Stem: 3-10 cm long; 1-3 cm thick; sometimes somewhat off-center; dry; smooth; whitish or colored like the cap; bruising brownish. Flesh: Whitish; often discoloring yellowish when exposed or bruised; sometimes with zones of color; brittle. Ecology: Mycorrhizal with hardwoods or conifers; growing alone gregariously; summer and fall; widely distributed in North America.

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