Paul and Bernice Noll with Sons Chet and Landon - Photo 6 Bernice "Celebration of Her Life" - Photo 6
Paul and Bernice Noll with Sons Chet and Landon Noll

In June of 2014 we visited China for the 12th time at the 15th anniversary of Sias University we helped start. We had started it in 1998 in concert with our adopted Chinese son Shawn Chen. We began with 200 students 1998 and by 2014 now had some 25,000 students. In 2014 6,486 students graduated.

In August we then visited former Chinese students in California. By October Bernice began to have some back pains. The two trips had somewhat tired her out. She had trouble walking with the pain. We purchased a walker to help her in October 16, 2014. On October 22nd Bernice was diagnosed with cancer and went on hospice care. In November 1 both sons came to see her. They stayed for 4 days and had memorable times talking about the adventures they'd had as boys growing up with a loving Mom who taught them so much. Bernice so much enjoyed her time with her sons during their visit.  Hi-Res Pic (116K)

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