5000 Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 259
Word Type Used in a Sentence Synonym
heroic adj. It was a heroic effort to save him. courageous
hers pron. The last seat was hers. belonging to her
herself pron. She hurt herself. identical to her
hesitate verb He who hesitates is lost. delays
verb I hesitate to tell you the truth. balk
hi intj. Hi! I'm your new classmate. hello
hide verb You should hide your money. conceal
noun The cow hide is worth a lot of money. skin
high adj. At high tide the water comes to here. extreme
adv. We put it high on the shelf. elevated
highland noun He lived in the highlands. elevated lands
highly adv. She thinks highly of herself. favorably
highway noun We drove to town on the highway. expressway