5000 Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 260
Word Type Used in a Sentence Synonym
hijack verb They tried to hijack an airplane. seize by force
hike verb We'll hike to the side of the river. march
hill noun The hill was 1000 meters high. knoll
hillside noun Their house was on a hillside. side of hill
him pron. We talked to him about the class. objective he
himself pron. He blamed himself. identical to him
hind adj. One of the cow's hind legs was sore. rear
hinder verb We should not hinder their efforts. obstruct
hinge noun The door hinge squeaked. pivot device
hint noun One hint is that it's a holiday. clue
verb They hint about a raise in salary. imply
hip noun The cowboy had a gun on his hip. waist bone